Maximizing Brain Power: For the Young and Not so Young!
Today, I want to share with you another aspect of my own voyage to discover how high it up. One of my own fears (phobias) has to do with cognitive abilities and the aging process. For me, maintaining a sharp mind is a vital part of staying young and healthy while the years continue to slide past. However, a few years ago, I was becoming more and more aware that my cognitive abilities were far from being razor sharp—I was frequently walking rapidly into a room only to forget what I was there for and my mental abilities just did not seem to be there. Our youngest son had just started university, and while it still feels like only yesterday when I was in his shoes, I knew full well that my brainpower was now lacking. Scary!
Emotional Aspects.
I do know, of course, that stress, fears and other emotional kinds of issues can really impact mental abilities. There were other things going on in my life (in addition to becoming an empty nester), so the first thing I did was pull out some of the InnerTalk titles for dealing with these issues, such as Freedom from Stress, Serenity and Freedom from Fears, in addition to Cognitive Enhancement. In a very short time—just a matter of days—I felt the gears in my mind quietly click back into place. However, the entire experience did highlight to me the importance of not taking some things for granted. Staying Forever Young is possible, but quite frankly it takes more work and effort than it did when we were young!
Degrees of Focus
There are two different ways that I work with the InnerTalk programs. When I have a real issue, then I just focus on it. I will find one InnerTalk program that I think fits the bill, and I will play it 24/7. When I play programs this extensively, I can tell after the first 24-hour period if that particular program is hitting the nail on the head, if it is off center, or even missing completely. I can then decide if I wish to continue with the first program of if I would be better served choosing another program. Most of the time, the first program is perfect for me, but sometimes it can be a few-step process for me to really figure out the root cause of the issue and therefore the best way to approach it.
On the other hand, there can be issues that are not desperately important to me, but rather they are just things that, if fixed (or simply maintained), would provide me with that inner feeling of satisfaction. I normally think of this as 'keeping my level of positivity topped up' in a particular area. For these kinds of things, I will often put a number of different programs into my automatic CD changer, or into my iPhone's play list—just working my way through the entire list of programs rather than focusing on one title for a block of time.
Use It or Lose It
Well, once I had dealt with the major issue as it related to my cognitive abilities, namely the stress, I decided it was important not to allow such a slippage to occur again. Bad habits can form in any area, but I wanted not only to move out of the negative territory of lazy thinking, but rather to also move into the positive territory and actually expand on my mental abilities. And of course, we are all aware of the 'use it or lose it' message, and this applies as much in the areas of cognition as it does in physical exercise. As such, I decided to go for the 'kitchen-sink' approach, and use every tool I could think of.
My Kitchen Sink!
First of all, I filled my CD changer with titles aimed specifically at boosting brain-power—Genius Power, Concentration is Easy, Powerful Memory, Cognitive Enhancement, Creative Writing, and Accelerated Learning. Each morning, when I came into the office, I simply turned on the CD player, and then all day long, these titles would simply play one after the other. In addition to this, I knew that using a headphone program once or twice a day would provide me with a huge boost. The headphone titles I thought that would compliment my goals included, Power Imaging Creativity is Natural, OZO Inner Peace, and Echo-Tech Stress. I was doing everything in my power to instill an 'I Can' attitude into my psyche!
As I said, our younger son had just started at university and while I had felt that my own days of academia were well behind me, I decided not to give up on myself so quickly. After looking around a little, I decided to do a Coursera course offered by the University of Edinburgh, An Introduction to Philosophy. Eldon has often talked about his passion for philosophy but I had never studied it so I did not really know what it entailed. I have to confess that, at first I did pretty badly and had to take a number of their mini tests several times before I could even get a passing grade. However, I also discovered a passion in myself for this subject, so much so that I told Eldon, "I don't care if I suck at this. I am enjoying it so I will carry on doing it!" If you have never studied philosophy, or if you did it in school and hated it, I would highly recommend this course. From a spiritual standpoint, this is a great way to really think about issues and in the process learn more about your self.
Where There's a Will
Time is often a huge issue for me as I almost have too much to do in too little time. When I started my course work, I really wasn't sure how I was going to manage to fit it in. But playing the InnerTalk programs all day long in the office really must have filtered in a 'can do' attitude, because when it came to it, I found it pretty easy. Usually, when I would first get up in the morning, I would peruse the news or Facebook while having my first cup of tea. Now though, I will turn on my laptop computer and watch a video and take notes—and the entire process is easy and fun. Of course, Coursera does make it easier too as most of the videos are only about 10 minutes long and you can pause, replay, or just come back to it later—it is very flexible.
Well, I completed that course and got a respectable passing grade, so I went to find another course. This time I chose Intellectual Humility, again offered by the University of Edinburgh. I find the divisiveness in the world so distressing that I was interested in finding a solution. This time, I not only completed all of the mini tests with high grades, but I also went on to the advanced (much more technical) readings, and passed the course with 100%! I was happy! I had learned a lot, my brain training was in positive territory, and quite frankly I felt good about myself. Just because the years are clicking by, does not mean that my mental acuity has to suffer—it just took a pro-active approach. And it actually got even better than that as, because of my grades and participation, I was invited to become an online mentor for the Intellectual Humility course!
Today, having worked with Maximizing Brain Power, I feel that my memory is sharper, old memories are easier to access, cognitive abilities are keener, and I am happy! In fact, these days I feel that my memory is as sharp as it was when I was in my early to mid 30s, not bad for someone who is in her 60s! I was so happy with the results I achieved with this combination of programs we went on to make this collection an official InnerTalk album—Maximizing Brain Power. Now, you too can release the fear of cognitive decline and discover the joy that comes from regaining strong mental abilities.
Wishing you Love, Light and Laughter . . . always!
Ravinder Taylor
Recommended Title:
Maximizing Brain Power

Are you ready to, not only reverse some of the cognitive decline that you are aware of, but to also move into positive territory and actually become mentally sharper than before? If so, Maximizing Brain Power is the perfect tool. Believe in yourself and start exercising those brain cells!
Maximizing Brain Power consists of:
- InnerTalk (nature): Genius Power, Concentration is Easy, Powerful Memory, Cognitive Enhancement, Creative Writing, and Accelerated Learning.
- Power Imaging: Creativity is Natural.
- OZO: Inner Peace.
- Echo-Tech: Stress.
Lasting memories and a super sharp mind really can be yours, you just have to decide that that is what you want. Check it out now.
"I would like to send out a huge thank you for providing such wonderful programs. A while ago I purchased hypnosis CDs off e-bay and found that I didn't have the time to use them, and when I did I didn't notice a lot of difference. At the end of my school semester I became very stressed, and I decided I needed change! So for the new semester I wanted to work harder, study harder, and much more. Soon I found your website and before purchasing any CDs I read the testimonials, and many other articles about you on this website. After seeing all the positive feedback I decided I would give it a try buy purchasing the Accelerated Learning and Study CD. I received the CD 2 weeks before my new semester started and began to listen. When the new semester did start I slowly began to notice change from my old habits. Here are the following noticeable changes:
- I enjoy learning. I am really interested in classes I use to hate!
- I do most of my homework now. I usually left ALL of it until the weekend to finish.
- I prefer doing my homework at my desk now and not my bed
- I really do relate my learnings to any new learnings and past learnings.
This has helped a great deal. I've also had a few occasions where I have gotten fairly stressed due to a huge workload but I found that your free Stress Free MP3 has been able to calm me down quite quickly. To me this seems like a miracle. I mean sometimes I wonder if this is really happening but it is. I have purchased two more CDs and I plan on purchasing more after I finish my month's worth on those programs. Thanks InnerTalk for helping me reach my dreams - And helping me expand them!!"
~ S. Y.
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