Testimonials - Page 1
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The greatest reward for the work we do at Progressive Awareness comes from all the testimonials we receive. Since 1984, InnerTalk subliminal programs have been helping people around the world to change their lives—changing their negative self-sabotaging beliefs into beliefs that support their highest goals. Here is just some of the feedback we have received:
Live with Passion
"As this year draws to a close, I have so much to be grateful for! This is what was in my mailbox today. It took a lot to get here.

"Six years ago my life changed, and honestly, I thought it was over. Everything I knew and loved was gone. Let me back up a minute . . .
"12 years ago I met a man who asked me to be his wife . . . The marriage was brief, but the personal devastation in my life was long lasting. There is so much I could say about that marriage but it's not what I want to share here.
"During the time I was dating this man, I spent $80,000 on a kitchen renovation. I spent close to $100,000 furnishing the home I bought in 2006. After we married, he moved in with me. A couple of months later we (he) bought a new house . . . I had a great deal of work to do but I made that house a beautiful home for us . . .
Losing My Home
"I had tried to sell my home . . . and ultimately did a short sell on it. I took a huge financial hit on that home because I was trying to sell it during the financial crisis that hit after we married.
"I left this beautiful home that I found and created, with the very barest of necessities—a sofa, coffee table, a couple of chairs and my guest bed. I left everything else in the house with my former husband . . .
"I had no income when we divorced. There was no real estate market at the time and frankly I was pretty burned out and wanted to do work that was more fulfilling . . .
Starting Over
"I had no direction at all. I was sad, at the very deepest core of my being. I don't say all of this to get sympathy, although I certainly felt like I needed it at the time. I've never been in a place as dark as that, ever before, EVER, in my life. I truly believed everything in my life was gone. It was as if everything I believed in was a lie. It WAS a lie.
"I took a job in a retail store to pay the rent. I don't really remember how long I worked there, maybe a year, a year and a half, I'm not really sure.
"One day, I happened across a Facebook post about background work, so I submitted for it and I got booked. Jamie Lynn Catrett booked me on a show called Necessary Roughness. That first year I probably did 100 background gigs. It was fun pretending to have a life again but it wasn't enough. I wanted a speaking role, so I started taking workshops and classes, anything and everything, as often as I could. I started booking student films and independent films and community theater. It was good. Finally, I began to feel like I had something to offer the world again . . .
"Once, when working a 4 day background gig, I was talking with a location manager during a break in filming and shared with him the idea I had to create a catalog of locations that the owners had already agreed to be used for filming. That conversation was 4 years ago and that's when I started my location services business. I only did 1 location gig the first year. Maybe 2 or 3 the next year. I was barely making enough money to survive. I was accumulating credit card debt. I was paying my bills on time, but I could never seem to get ahead and certainly could not get out of the 5 digit credit card debt that I found myself accumulating over the last several years.
"Fast forward to 2017
- I've accumulated a fairly respectable number of IMDb film and TV credits over the last few years since beginning my acting career.
- This year I've had principal roles in 2 feature films, 2 network TV shows as well as a couple of roles in shorts and web series.
- My location services businesses had the best year ever.
- I have zero debt.
- I have an 816 credit score.
- I just returned from the most amazing trip ever!
"Why was this year financially different?
The Difference

"The hard work of the previous years is finally paying off . . . The last quarter of this year was the best quarter FFG has ever had. And I handled it . . . ! It took a lot of work, a lot of focus, and a lot of personal, focused, consistent, positive reinforcement, and extreme belief in myself.
"I think one of the things that made the difference this year is a subliminal audio program called Your Personal Best by Eldon Taylor, and his company, InnerTalk. I bought the series about this same time last year. I was a little nervous about spending the money, but I knew something had to change, so I bought it. I think there are about 20 different tracks on it. I created an iTunes sleep list of the 5 or 6 titles that were relevant for me. I listen to it when I sleep. Every night. Every Single Night. Even while in Thailand for the last 3 weeks. Basically, it reprograms limiting or negative subconscious beliefs and rewires your brain. It's pretty impressive.
"Ravinder later invited me review a new program they developed called Remembering Lines: Especially for Actors, which I also love and added to my sleep list. Thank you Eldon and Ravinder for the amazing work you do!
"I truly hope someone will be positively inspired by reading my story. It's the story of a woman who was utterly and absolutely devastated—financially, spiritually, emotionally, sexually, physically—and with Gods grace, completely rebuilt her life, from less than zero.
"As Eldon Taylor is always saying: Believing in yourself always matters!"
~ Live with passion ❣ ❣ ~ Wanda Morganstern"
Neurologist, Dr. Cristian Enescu
Here is an interview with Dr. Cristian Enescu, a neurologist who uses InnerTalk programs in his own practice to improve outcomes with his patients, and also in his own life to improve quality and meaning.
DeDe Murcer Moffett
DeDe Murcer Moffett is known as the Snap Out Of It woman after snapping out of her 24-year addiction to alcohol. Today, DeDe is a successful motivational speaker as she shares her SNAP model (See New Achievable Possibilities.)
"Simply put, your recordings (of which I have many) are the BEST! They're a quality-of-life enhancer, before sleep relaxer, character builder and personality modifier. Thanks!"
~ P. A.
"I'd like to commend you, on the quality of your recordings. I found them not to be 'duds' but psycho-active. I played them at night and my partner who was obviously skeptical told me on the 3rd night, 'Honey, those recordings make you dream.' I just started using them regularly and am beginning to see subtle changes in me."
~ P. C.
"Your product is fantastic! Whereas normally I observed programs clicking in after several weeks, with your product sometimes results arrive in 3-4 days."
~ A. V.
"Your recordings are the only subliminal recordings I've ever had that worked. I tried some recordings advertised on TV and didn't like them, frankly they didn't work. I'm going to stick with your recordings."
~ B. M.
Yvette Nelson
Salome Gasviani
Weight Loss
"A few months ago I purchased one of your weight loss audio programs . . . I'm definitely a believer in this technology. I've lost over 40 pounds without the diet mentality of feeling (at all) deprived. I've got another 20-25 pounds to go and feel utterly optimistic about continuing. Thank you so much for empowering me to accomplish this so effortlessly. Many thanks again!"
~ N J (Erie, PA)
"I downloaded and listened to your free “I am stress free.” The difference was instant. I could feel my self feeling a million times better. Thanks InnerTalk. Expect orders from me in the future."
~ Your Pal, J. S.
"I was very pleasantly surprised to see that, in this day and age of corporate greed, that your company offers free programs and CDs to people with cancer and those grieving. Because of this, I will be ordering ALL my future subliminal CDs from your company, and will be referring all of my patients to your web site. Thank you for such a pleasant breath of fresh air in such a cold world."
~ L .B., D.O.