InnerTalk Subliminal and Enhanced Hypnosis Programs
Welcome to the patented and proven InnerTalk subliminal technology—improving lives worldwide since 1984.
With 105 aspects in the original patent, InnerTalk is truly unique! It is the only audio subliminal demonstrated to work in multiple independent double-blind studies, and InnerTalk is guaranteed to work for you. Millions of InnerTalk programs have been sold world-wide and in multiple languages.
InnerTalk was created by Eldon Taylor. An expert in subconscious information processing, Eldon has provided expert testimony in court cases involving both subliminal messages and hypnosis. Eldon is also the author of the NY Times Best-Seller, Choices and Illusions.
InnerTalk programs are easy to use, and life changes are nearly effortlessly. They are used by corporations, elite athletes, championship teams, businesspeople, and much more! Millions of InnerTalk programs have been sold world-wide. To learn more about the kinds of life changes you could experience, take a look at just some of the testimonials we have received.
InnerTalk is available in over 500 titles, so we have the perfect programs to improve your life. View our complete Alphabetical Product Listing, or browse by category. Categories include: Success, Better Life,Relationships, Health and Wellness, Habits and Addictions, Body Image, Sports and Fitness, Children and Parenting, Learning, Spirituality, Spanish, and Books and Educational.
In addition to the InnerTalk subliminal programs, we also offer several InnerTalk Plus technologies. These are subliminal programs that also include additional hypnotic technologies. Our InnerTalk Plus technologies include, OZO, Echo-Tech, Power Imaging, and Platinum Plus.
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Quality is Remembered Long After Price is Forgotten!
"Your recordings are the only subliminal recordings I've ever had that worked. I tried some recordings advertised on TV and didn't like them, frankly they didn't work. I'm going to stick with your recordings."
~ B.M.
"I have full faith in your products simply because of the results that I and others have experienced. I have tried other subliminals, some very expensive and slickly marketed. Yours are the only ones where I have definitely felt and seen rapid results. I will now only purchase your products in this field. Sincere thanks for helping me and those that I care about."
~ D. S.
InnerTalk Articles
Subliminal Information Theory Revisited
Published in the Annals Journal of the APA.
A quick review of the literature suggests that this technology can be helpful in areas as diverse as learning to oncology care. Definitions, however, are important . . .
The Truth Behind Subliminal Programs
Published at Academia.edu.
There are many claims, sometimes elevated in the genre of fact, in both the direction of audio subliminal hoax and efficacy. Discover the truth . . .
Frequently Asked Questions
By definition, a subliminal program is recorded at a sub-threshold level of awareness. Our messages are recorded at a perceptible level of awareness and disguised in what is best described as an audio illusion. (You will hear words from time to time.) By "blending" the affirmations in with the music or nature sounds in this way, we are able to bypass normal conscious awareness, yet still ensure that the affirmations strongly register in the mind.
We recommend listening a minimum of once a day for 30 days. Results can often be noticed in as little as a few days to a few weeks. Listen as much as you can day and night and watch for the change in your self-talk!
Experts have described InnerTalk as a "powerful new technology that uses our natural human ability to absorb information even when we're not thinking about it." Scientists have proven that the key to changing our state of mind is to do it with the least amount of conscious effort possible. Conscious thought interferes with and even prevents proper mind stimulation. Yet InnerTalk® programs are able to produce life-changing mind stimulation without the interference of conscious thought. They bypass the usual resistance in the mind and go right to work at the subconscious level, producing change "from the inside out."
There are other methods available to modify your behavior without the use of mind technologies, but they often fail, and all for the same reason. Most motivational and self-help programs fall short because they attempt to appeal to the conscious in order to change behavior. It's often wasted energy. The conscious wants to change, but it's the subconscious that is controlling and overwhelming any effort to change. Every time someone tells us we are good our subconscious sends a thought to the conscious: "Really! Good at what?" In order to conquer the harmful effects of the subconscious mind we must attempt to change it on the very same level. Only then can you successfully disarm it and reverse the damage that has already been done.
The positive InnerTalk messages overtake the negative information contained in the subconscious. They literally re-script our own "inner talk," thereby creating positive self-beliefs that begin the cycle of self-fulfillment. When this happens the subliminal beliefs that formerly were self-limiting begin to change. As they change, so do we!
For more frequently asked questions, please click here.
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InnerTalk Blog
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Coast to Coast AM, Rosanne Barr Show, CNBC, the Art Bell Show, Fox TV, The Daily Mail (London), The Daily Express (London), Elle Magazine, Independent, Evening Standard (London), Omni, Mind Body Spirit, APA Annals, Spinal Network, New Age Retailer, ABH Journal, Psychology Today, Attain Magazine, Self Magazine, Evolving Times, Journal of Alternative & Complimentary Medicine, New Frontier, Concepts, Seventeen Magazine, Adventures in Education, Out of Context, Newsweek and many regional print & media publications as well as video documentaries.
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Beware of scams: Just like other phishing schemes, there are sites that appear to offer coupons for InnerTalk programs, appear to sell InnerTalk programs directly (often at greatly reduced prices), or even look extremely similar to our site. The only official sites in the Progressive Awareness family are: InnerTalk.com, InnerTalk-Store.com, EldonTaylor.com, DialogoInterno.com (our Spanish site) and ProgressiveAwareness.org and ProgressiveAwareness.com). We do offer an affiliate program where there may be copy regarding InnerTalk. However, the link to purchase will come directly to our official InnerTalk site.